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Nov 30 2024
@bot b58-ts-tests
- remove ecash-lib dev dependency
- coerce integer math, don't use Math.ceil
In D17259#391854, @PiRK wrote:OSX.cmake still has a find_program(CMAKE_OTOOL ${TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}-otool) line. Is it still needed?
OSX.cmake still has a find_program(CMAKE_OTOOL ${TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}-otool) line. Is it still needed?
lib looks good. ok approving it now but we should replace base58check in ecashaddrjs with this in another diff soon.
@bot b58-ts-tests
add tsconfig.build.json
would be nice to drop this into ecashaddrjs as a replacement for bs58check, to show that it works the way we expect to use it (in our own modules to replace 3rd-party deps).
Nov 29 2024
@bot guix-osx
Please update the README.md in ecash-lib (just the changelog at the bottom to following the format of earlier updates is sufficient)
@bot guix-osx
@bot guix-linux guix-osx guix-win
@bot guix-osx
And another typo
format comment
@bot guix-osx