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Sun, Feb 9
Related: D17654
Sat, Feb 8
need to investigate that CI second failure (the first one is clearly unrelated)
Fri, Feb 7
nvm. compared the wrong lines side-by-side
In D17641#401568, @emack wrote:
show dust error
Unable to redeem 7ish XECX for XEC, this is above dust so should be possible?
Redemption worked fine for 10k XECX.
Thu, Feb 6
This has been made obsolete by D17639.
also update README.md in ecash-agora
changelog update to explain major version bump in ecash-agora
address review
squash with 26282 (more helpful error message)
everyone will have to build the webassembly, even if they don't use any ECC.
Why minor here and patch in D17640 ?
In D17639#401416, @bytesofman wrote:nice, huge step change for dev experience, and esp for apps that use ecash-lib and ecash-agora
nice, step change in UX. much much much better for app devs.
nice, huge step change for dev experience, and esp for apps that use ecash-lib and ecash-agora
improve README.md
remove package-lock.json
fix some more build errors
simplify usage