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Jan 5 2025
mb it was actually working at rc-16 but this one is simpler anyway. got better at ensuring the proper version was being tested iterating through various other attempts.
simplify, use function instead of Proxy
Jan 4 2025
never mind. once I
This one seems to be working
use a Proxy to get Ecc to work with existing syntax across dependency levels
note that rc4 does still "work" with
this (may) only work sometimes. Running into tests that passed last night fail this morning ... can't get them to work now... cache issue? mistake in setup and versions installed last night? not sure. tough to test as the problem only occurs in npm-installed versions
Jan 3 2025
In D17463#397096, @teamcity wrote:Build Bitcoin ABC Diffs / Diff Testing (ecash-agora-tests) failed.Tail of the build log:
Build 'Bitcoin ABC Diffs / Diff Testing' #89207, branch 'refs/tags/phabricator/diff/51949' Triggered 2025-01-03 22:32:06 by 'Phabricator Staging (phabricator-staging)' Started 2025-01-03 22:37:37 on agent 'buildagent7' Finished 2025-01-03 22:37:37 with status FAILURE 'Unable to collect changes' VCS revisions: 'BitcoinABC_BitcoinAbcStaging' (Git, instance id 22): 'N/A' (checkout rules: '+:. => ./bitcoin-abc') TeamCity URL https://build.bitcoinabc.org/buildConfiguration/BitcoinABC_BitcoinAbcStaging/880964 TeamCity server version is 2024.12 (build 174331), server timezone: GMT (UTC) [22:32:06]E: bt15 (5m:30s) [22:32:06]i: TeamCity server version is 2024.12 (build 174331) [22:32:06] : Finalize build settings [22:32:06] : Collecting changes in 2 VCS roots [22:32:06] : [Collecting changes in 2 VCS roots] VCS Root details [22:32:06] : [VCS Root details] "Bitcoin ABC Staging" {instance id=22, parent internal id=3, parent id=BitcoinABC_BitcoinAbcStaging, description: "ssh://vcs@reviews.bitcoinabc.org:2221/source/bitcoin-abc-staging.git#refs/heads/master"} [22:32:06] : [VCS Root details] "abc-infrastructure" {instance id=24, parent internal id=7, parent id=AutomatedDeployments_BitcoinAbcDeveloperTools_AbcInfrastructure, description: "ssh://vcs@reviews.bitcoinabc.org:2221/source/infrastructure.git#refs/heads/master"} [22:32:06]i: Loading current repository state for VCS root 'Bitcoin ABC Staging' (running for 5m:30s) [22:32:06]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'Bitcoin ABC Staging'] Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure' (running for 5m:30s) [22:32:06]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure'] VCS root 'Bitcoin ABC Staging': git -c credential.helper= -c credential.helper=/opt/teamcity/temp/credHelper14313791672650669746.sh ls-remote origin [22:32:06]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure'] VCS root 'abc-infrastructure': git -c credential.helper= -c credential.helper=/opt/teamcity/temp/credHelper16734715470406059090.sh ls-remote origin [22:32:06]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure'] VCS root 'abc-infrastructure': Warning: Permanently added '[reviews.bitcoinabc.org]:2221' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. [22:32:06]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure'] VCS root 'Bitcoin ABC Staging': kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer [22:32:06]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure'] VCS root 'Bitcoin ABC Staging': Connection reset by port 2221 [22:32:06]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure'] VCS root 'Bitcoin ABC Staging': fatal: Could not read from remote repository. [22:32:06]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure'] VCS root 'Bitcoin ABC Staging': [22:32:06]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure'] VCS root 'Bitcoin ABC Staging': Please make sure you have the correct access rights [22:32:06]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure'] VCS root 'Bitcoin ABC Staging': and the repository exists. [22:32:07]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure'] Detecting changes in VCS root 'abc-infrastructure' (used in 'Bitcoin-ABC Infra Checkout', 'Extract Electrum ABC from ABC' and 5 other configurations) [22:32:07]i: [Loading current repository state for VCS root 'abc-infrastructure'] Will collect changes for 'abc-infrastructure' starting from revision 8bd105f8a65e40e3b0942b63bba4a735b877f2da [22:32:07] : Compute revision for 'abc-infrastructure' in Automated Deployments / Bitcoin ABC Infra / Bitcoin-ABC Infra Checkout [22:32:07] : [Compute revision for 'abc-infrastructure' in Automated Deployments / Bitcoin ABC Infra / Bitcoin-ABC Infra Checkout] Upper limit revision: 8bd105f8a65e40e3b0942b63bba4a735b877f2da [22:32:07]i: [Compute revision for 'abc-infrastructure' in Automated Deployments / Bitcoin ABC Infra / Bitcoin-ABC Infra Checkout] MaxModId = 77176 [22:32:07] : [Compute revision for 'abc-infrastructure' in Automated Deployments / Bitcoin ABC Infra / Bitcoin-ABC Infra Checkout] Computed revision: 8bd105f8a65e40e3b0942b63bba4a735b877f2da [22:37:37] : The build is removed from the queue to be prepared for the start [22:37:37]E: Failed to collect changes, error: git -c credential.helper= -c credential.helper=/opt/teamcity/temp/credHelper14313791672650669746.sh ls-remote origin command failed. exit code: 128 stderr: kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer Connection reset by port 2221 fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists., VCS root: "Bitcoin ABC Staging" {instance id=22, parent internal id=3, parent id=BitcoinABC_BitcoinAbcStaging, description: "ssh://vcs@reviews.bitcoinabc.org:2221/source/bitcoin-abc-staging.git#refs/heads/master"} [22:37:37]E: Failed to collect changes, error: git -c credential.helper= -c credential.helper=/opt/teamcity/temp/credHelper14313791672650669746.sh ls-remote origin command failed. exit code: 128 stderr: kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer Connection reset by port 2221 fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists., VCS root: "Bitcoin ABC Staging" {instance id=22, parent internal id=3, parent id=BitcoinABC_BitcoinAbcStaging, description: "ssh://vcs@reviews.bitcoinabc.org:2221/source/bitcoin-abc-staging.git#refs/heads/master"} [22:37:37] : Build finished
tslint again
Remove SlpDecimals import in Inputs.tsx to get the build working
tslint patch
Jan 2 2025
make sure input fields that take amounts larger than JS max safe number are actually string fields
Build Bitcoin ABC Diffs / Diff Testing (preview-e.cash) passed.
Preview is available at for the next 60 minutes.
@bot preview-e.cash
Okay how about this? fyi those styles on swapspace are what they have in their instructions for the widget
dont show side by side, copy edit
a screenshot of "before" and "after" example can also help with this kind of diff review
Fix the linter
less confusing variable names
split out the addr parse and preview logic, set up for easier rendering of contacts in notifications
It is (probably) possible to get the impact of this on the visual component by confirming expected width of the depth bars.
Why would you do that ? Just test that the value is not accounted in the depth computation. Anyway it's really a nit
continue before any analytic logic
In D17453#396849, @Fabien wrote:I want to propose an alternative approach here: add a X to the right of yours listing that is a shortcut for the cancel action.
This is similar to what is done on most exchanges. It's still fine to highlight if you want to, but might not be necessary
I want to propose an alternative approach here: add a X to the right of yours listing that is a shortcut for the cancel action.
This is similar to what is done on most exchanges. It's still fine to highlight if you want to, but might not be necessary
Keep the buttons on the right
Build Bitcoin ABC Diffs / Diff Testing (preview-cashtab) passed.
Preview is available at for the next 60 minutes.
@bot preview-cashtab