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Jan 14 2025
rebase and add a syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue to the test
Jan 13 2025
version bump (patch)
rebase and confirm no git issue (dropped an earlier commit)
improve names and doc for new interface, update tests
remove unrelated line break, preserve offer refresh if ws is null
minor version bump, some code tweaks from additional testing, test site redeployed with this version with debug logs
fix clippy error
Can you change the title to indicate this is just a rename? It seemed to me as this would generalize behavior somehow (e.g. adding a generic param)
revert accidental changes to package(-lock).json
clearing my queue
Okay I made some passes at cleaning up
remove global.d.ts, remove (most) uses of typeof globalThis
typo fix "component" not comonent
In D17519#398583, @Fabien wrote:I'm not sure about the strategy here:
- Does it make sense to have ws on the agora page (vs the token page) ?
- If yes it would make sense to only subscribe to the rendered order books (the ones on screen) so you have a natural subscription limit
I'm not sure about the strategy here:
- Does it make sense to have ws on the agora page (vs the token page) ?
- If yes it would make sense to only subscribe to the rendered order books (the ones on screen) so you have a natural subscription limit
Jan 12 2025
rebase, confirm did not mess something up in git
readme link update